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TYBBACA Sem VI adv Java slip
TYBBACA Sem VI Adv Java Practical Solved Slips
TYBBACA Sem VI Adv Java Practical Solved Slips
May 13, 2022
TYBBACA Sem VI Adv Java Practical Solved Slips
Write a java program to scroll the text from left to right and vice versa continuously.
Write a socket program in java for chatting application.(Use Swing)
Write a java program in multithreading using applet for drawing flag.
Write a JSP program to check whether given number is Perfect or not. (Use Include directive).
Write a socket program in Java to check whether given number is prime or not. Display result on client terminal.
Write a java program using applet for bouncing ball, for each bounce color of ball should change randomly.
Write a SERVLET program that provides information about a HTTP request from a client, such as IP address and browser type. The servlet also provides information about the server on which the servlet is running, such as the operating system type, and the names of currently loaded servlets.
Write a JSP program to calculate sum of first and last digit of a given number. Display sum in Red Color with font size 18.
Write a java program in multithreading using applet for Traffic signal.
Write a java program to blink image on the Frame continuously.
Write a SERVLET program which counts how many times a user has visited a web page. If user is visiting the page for the first time, display a welcome message. If the user is revisiting the page, display the number of times visited. (Use Cookie)
Write a JSP script to validate given E-Mail ID.
Write a Multithreading program in java to display the number’s between 1 to 100 continuously in a TextField by clicking on button. (use Runnable Interface).
Write a java program in multithreading using applet for Digital watch
Write a java program to display IPAddress and name of client machine.
Write a java program to count the number of records in a table
Write a program in java which will show lifecycle (creation, sleep, and dead) of a thread. Program should print randomly the name of thread and value of sleep time. The name of the thread should be hard coded through constructor. The sleep time of a thread will be a random integer in the range 0 to 4999.
Write a java program to display name of currently executing Thread in multithreading.
Write a JSP program to display the details of College (CollegeID, Coll_Name, Address) in tabular form on browser.
Adv Java Program : Write a JSP program to accept Name and Age of Voter and check whether he is eligible for voting or not.
Adv Java Program : Write a Java program to display given extension files from a specific directory on server machine.
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